Midterm Exams

Time is running, after few days we will do the middle term exams. We all are ready to do it and this means that we have studied a lot and achieved sufficient understanding in the Khenpo's Buddhist philosophy class and during the lessons of Colloquial Tibetan.
Now we are able to speak Tibetan quite well with local Tibetans in their own language and in class we can speak and ask quesions in Tibetan about the texts that we have studied. It is satisfactory to see how we are growing in knowledge.
At the beginning of the academic year we were completely uncertain about what we were about to learn, but now I can see that the past semester and half were not wasted time since now I am not as I was in the beginning-- I'm better.
In seven months I became able to communicate with people of the Tibetan reality, we are doing a long travel inside something different, it is not our ordinary world in which we lived before, I am experiencing something that is not accessible to the most westeners so I am feeling that I am very lucky and even my family in Italy have the opinion that I am very lucky. They even feel a little of envy for me and they hope, at the same time, to get a little of the benefit that I'm getting here and I also sincerely hope I will be able to benefit them.
Tomorrow I will do two middle term exams and I think that after those exams I will be happy because I'm doing something meaningful for me and for whom is close to me in this life.

~Marco from Italy


Unknown said…
Hi marco!I'm very happy to know that an italian boy was in this beautiful place!Sono italiano anchio!Per caso mi sono imbattuto in questo istituto e mi sono reso subito conto dell'enorme tesoro!Vorrei parlare con te dell'istituto, del posto, dei professori, insomma di tutto...Se riesci mandami una mail (oppure dammi la tua): zazen85_et_gmail.com.
Ovviamente cambia l' "_et_" con la chiocciolina.Espediente anti-spam.
Spero mi contatterai presto!Dimenticavo: "Piacere, mi chiamo Andrea Gemma!".

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