
Showing posts from November, 2018

Precious Opportunity: A Heartfelt Recommendation to Attend the Annual Fall Seminar

Precious Opportunity: A Heartfelt Recommendation to Attend the Annual Fall Seminar In 2016 after two months travelling in Nepal I had the constant and intense feeling that I really wanted to find an authentic spiritual tradition. Instead of meandering through different paths, I felt it was time to dive deeply into one. While waiting for my Indian visa I decided to visit Boudhanath. I vaguely knew that there was some White Monastery where some teacher taught openly for Westerners. I searched for this place in the morning and suddenly found myself in the first day of the Fall Seminar! The experience I had changed my life in such a deep way that I felt I had arrived home, and so, in 2017 I came back to join the B.A in Buddhist Studies program. To be honest I don't recall exactly what the main theme of that seminar was; everything was so fresh and interesting, but I do remember the profound impact it had on me. Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche and Phakchok Rinpoche led...

To Live and Study in Nepal

To Live and Study in Nepal A couple of months ago I came back to Nepal to finish the fourth, and last year of my BA. The years I have spent in Nepal have been some of the greatest of my life, and the amazing thing is that every year as a student at RYI has been more wonderful than the previous one, because there are simply so many unexpected things to try, making it impossible to ever be bored, (very useful when you are a student, since it helps you stay relaxed!). For example, recently I tried for the very first time to cook risotto in Nepal, which turned out to be quite a project. First I had to find the cheese, which was not easy and involved a lot of searching. Then, in another place I found the rice, and finally a bottle of decent wine. This took two days. To then watch over the risotto and prevent it from burning (since Nepali stoves are extremely efficient) took at least another hour, but in the end it was worth the effort since the risotto ended up being edible after...