Books, Books, and More Books
My roommate looked at me begrudgingly. “Where are we going to put all of these?” he asked as another new box of Tibetan books or pechas arrived at our doorstep. This was the last thing on my mind as I tore through the box’s tape to peer at the shiny new covers, breathe in the smell of the fresh pages, and rifle through the table of contents. I’ll admit it. I’ve become addicted to books. And not just buying them. This semester is the culmination of my studies at Rangjung Yeshe Institute. I am currently summarizing into an MA thesis the most important things I have learned about Buddhism’s Middle Way Philosophy over the past five years. These days I am constantly surrounded by at least three stacks of open books, my mind swimming in the perplexities and nuances of their contents. The subject matter of my thesis is a debate. This particular debate has been waxing and waning for nearly two-thou...