RYI: A Place Understood Only Through Direct Experience
RYI: A Place
Understood Only Through Direct Experience
There is nothing
ordinary about studying at Rangjung Yeshe Institute compared to a typical
university anywhere in the world. Even here in Nepal, it’s difficult to explain
to other Nepalis that I go to a school connected to a monastery, but am not a
monk, and many of the students are not necessarily Buddhist. Needless to say,
it is impossible for my friends and family back home to imagine how a fully
accredited university can operate within a Tibetan Buddhist monastery.
By this point,
most people are thoroughly at a loss for how to imagine the place. They likely
think I’m fabricating the entire thing and am actually just doing yoga on a high
mountaintop while reciting OM. In sum, the experience of studying at RYI is
unlike any other, and unless you’ve been in the environment, it’s impossible to
thoroughly grasp.
~Robert from USA